Selecting A Beginner’s Kit

If you are new to photography or just migrating from a cellphone or compact camera to a DSLR camera, these pointers can help you select the right kit for starting out:

The Budget:

Photography is an extremely expensive hobby and there really is no end to the amount of money you can spend on gear and still wish for something better! This makes it very important to set a budget for yourself so that you do not get carried away. As of 2019, a good starter budget should be in the range of Rs 35,000 – Rs 60,000 for a camera body and one or two lenses. It is best not to buy too much equipment before you get a good idea of what you will be shooting. We strongly recommend that you rent from Primes & Zooms (P&Z) and try the equipment before buying it.

The Camera System:

The first question you will be faced with is which body to buy. However, it makes sense to take a step back and think of which system you want to adopt. Much like the choice between Android, Windows and iOS, different camera systems

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